Thursday, August 1, 2013

Colossians 2:6-15, Nurturing the health of your spiritual roots

Read Colossians 2:6-15

God created our bodies for motion (which is why sedentary lifestyles increase the risk for a variety of disease), but our souls God made to be planted.

You live well as you realize that the state of your soul effects your health and wholeness no less than your physical condition. When your life is rooted in Jesus you are nourished by the Holy Spirit to continue to grow into the person whom God has created you to. You are connected to the source of true, constant, and consistent strength.

What are you taking into your life to nurture the health of your spiritual roots?

Here's one simple thing that you can do today: Spend a few minutes reading today's Scripture Lesson. Allow yourself the time to read all of Colossians, thinking about the text and what it reveals to you about Jesus. Share what you have discovered, or rediscovered, about Christ with someone else today.

What will you do today to nurture the health of your spiritual roots?

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