Friday, August 16, 2013

Luke 12:32-40 It's about more than investing

Read Luke 12:32-40

Even as editors of most versions of the Bible insert a section break into the text of today's Reading, the lessons that Luke writes are related. During a conversation with the crowd, Jesus is also speaking specifically to his disciples. He directs them to be aware of what they value and how they depend on it for life security. He then talks about their being constantly prepared to respond to His presence in our lives.

God entrusts us with the use of our assets - including, but not limited to, finances. The life-transforming value of what we have is not realized in what and how we hoard, but in what and how we use our possessions in God-honoring ways that make a positive difference in the lives of others.

At unexpected times, the Holy Spirit will make us aware that we can respond to Christ's presence in a real and tangible way. Will we be ready to do that? Are we managing our stewardship in ways that express our confidence in God's continual - eternal - providing for us?

[Art credit:]

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