Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Psalm 71 Hold onto hope

Read Psalm 71

But me? I will hope. Always.    I will add to all your praise. (Psalm 71:14, CEB)

Hope is a active dynamic of faith. It expresses our faith in God, defeating desperation before we plummet into hopelessness.

Moses was faithful in all God’s house as a servant in order to affirm the things that would be spoken later. But Jesus was faithful over God’s house as a Son. We are his house if we hold on to the confidence and the pride that our hope gives us. (Hebrew 5:7, CEB)

Where in your life do you need to strengthen your hope? 

Whose hope beside your own will you prayer for and support today?

How will your hope add to your praise of God today?

[Art credit:]

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