Saturday, August 3, 2013

John 3:1-21 "Born Again"

Read John 3:1-21

Searching art that reflected today's Reading, I found several with a theme that saddened me. They are like this

I've known Christians whose 'born again' faith was just plain scary in its exclusiveness. They boasted that they had something so profound, so significant, that if you as a believer in Jesus didn't have it, too, then you just didn't have the right kind of faith. (Some of them would argue that you didn't have faith at all.)

While I'm thankful that what they have is meaningful for them, I have wondered why they feel compelled to impose their kind of experience on every believer in Jesus. I am willing to assume that they have good intentions for other persons' relationship with Christ, but they disregard the reality that not everyone is going to be like Nicodemus. (I've also know Christians who are adamant that an experience like Saul's is required for every Jesus follower.)

We learn from others' experience with Jesus, and they can learn from ours. From Nicodemus' visit with Christ, we can learn the value of new beginnings. For those who first agree to have faith in Jesus, the "born again" experience initiates the opportunity for a complete life change. For those who are already disciples, their need may be for more of a back-up, start-over, let's-try-this-again life adjustment.

Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus was one with someone who had not yet come into a relationship with Him. For Nicodemus, faith required what you and I can compare to a hard re-boot.

Each Christian's faith journey with Jesus in unique. And, each of us can grow from a new beginning.

I am assuming that reading this blog, you are already a Christian. I think that most of us who read the Gospel of John are already Christians. You and I can read John 3:1-21 and become aware of the new beginnings that we need with Jesus. 

As we share our faith with others who are not yet sure about who Jesus is and the gift that He offers them, let's remember to respect how God has already been at work in their lives and invite them to the new beginning that they can experience.

Oh, the art that I prefer for this post is 

I'm thankful that God never stops offering the new beginnings - the  re-births - that we need.

[Art credit: Top, Bottom,]

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