Friday, July 12, 2013

Luke 10:1-11

Read Luke 10:1-11

Today's Reading reminds me of a scene in one of my favorite movies, "Field of Dreams," when a corn farmer hears a mystical voice in his cornfield, "If you build it, he will come." 

He follows his 'revelation,' converting acres of valuable farmland into a baseball field where players from the past will recreate their glory days, and he will have the opportunity to reconcile his unsettled  history with his long-deceased father.

I need to acknowledge that it would be quite a stretch to connect this story with today's Reading; however, the idea, "If you build it, [they] will come" has too long characterized how the church has interpreted its mission. Living missionally means that we faithfully live out our faith.

Jesus clearly sends his disciples into the world around them to proclaim - to be - the Good News that the Kingdom of God is present. Jesus doesn't expect persons to 'come'. He sends believers to 'go'.

Where will go into your weekend activities and relationships to share the presence of Jesus?
With whom will you share your story of how Christ changes your life through God's love?

[Art credit:]

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