Monday, August 22, 2011

How to Live Your Faith When Life Isn't Fair (6)

Each hay this week, read Habakkuk 2.

The chapter opens with the prophet climbing to a height from which he may have an unrestricted view to see what God will say, to see how God will answer him. He knows that he needs to move from where he has been to someplace else, to a place up and out. His efforts integrates the senses, hearing and seeing.


  1. What do you need to do to rise out of your current situation, beyond the immediacy of what you are experiencing?
  2. Are you more perceptive to what you see or hear?

1 comment:

  1. The answer for me is in the beginning and end of the chapter.
    The prophet goes to the "watchtower" or "fortress" to see better. People don't live in these places, they are specifically made or visited for visibility. This means to me that I must go somewhere other than my normal routine. For some it is a sanctuary, for me it away from buildings and people.
    The key to success is in the end - "be silent". Something that seems to get harder as I get older. To stop noise coming in from my ears and out of my brain and just listen.
    Sight or sound? Well,being able to perceive and process all of the parts of a chorus or orchestra is amazing. On the other hand, the depth and palette of a sunset is remarkable. Our ability to perceive small sounds in the background is impressive. So is the perception of movement even in our peripheral vision. All in all, too close to call.
