Monday, August 8, 2011

How to Life Your Faith When Life Isn't Fair 1

Living faithfully, we experience the fullness of life that Jesus offers (John 10:10). We daily create and encounter situations when we have to determine what is a faithful response and how we will live it. Some situations are more challenging than others - especially those that question and confront our sense of being 'right.'

Our focus in this study will be how we live our faith when life isn't fair, when circumstances seem to distance us from the presence of the Living Christ who promised to be with us always (Matthew 28:20).

Why study Habakkuk?
While planning my preaching for St. Philip's in August, I prayed for discernment about choosing biblical texts that would also be relevant for us to grow into and to grow from. I landed in Habakkuk. The book is from a minor prophet from the 7th century. Don't prejudice 'minor'; that descriptive means that the book is shorter than those by the 'major' prophets. And, don't dismiss the 7th century as begin too distant from ours; the Bible has a timelessness and timeliness to any generation's condition and need.

Let's begin our study establishing some common ground.

  • While anyone is invited and welcome to share in this virtual study, I will approach it from a United Methodist Christian perspective. My intent is to acknowledge and respect the positions of other Christian - as well as non-Christian - traditions; however, our focus will be as it is stated above. (I invite you to visit my pastoral blog for other faith conversations.)
  • Each day, I will offer insights and comments about the text, and a question for reflection and discussion. Please, join the conversation so we may learn from each other as we learn together.
  • Within this next few days, I'll post a Reading Plan. Please, read the assigned text(s) for the day before you post a comment.
Read for tomorrow:

Skim Habakkuk. Read at least three (3) different English translations (versions).

  • Who are you? Please, briefly introduce yourself; include what you expect from this study.


  1. I'm Dale Schultz. I serve Christ as the Lead Pastor/Visioneer of St. Philip's United Methodist Church (Central Texas Conference), a wonderfully diverse and dynamic community of faith. The Church campus is located just west of Round Rock, Texas, in the northwestern corner of the greater Austin metropolitan area.

    Twitter: drdaleschultz.
    My personal blog may be followed at

  2. I'm Hank Longino. I am a member of St.Philip's but I travel for a living so I'm looking forward to this opportunity to participate. My primary interest in this study is to gain a fresh perspective on a question as old as man: How does a loving and omnipotent God square with the world that we observe that doesn't seem to be "fair" sometimes.
