Sunday, June 26, 2011

Psalm 139

Psalm 139

Mr. Frank Holder is preaching at each of our on-campus Worship Services. His sermon, “I Am Wondrously Made,” is from Psalm 139.  The following Sermon Notes are included in today's Sunday Guide.


  • They pass by themselves without  wondering.
  • I didn’t just happen.  I am not an accident. I have value. I have  worth.
  • What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God. 

Create some devotional (time with God) time this week. Read Psalm 139. Think about these questions. Discuss them with your family, in your small group, or with some friends.

  1. OK, I accept that I am wonderfully made.  But.....for what purpose or purposes?
  2. With the variety of ways in which I distance myself from God, why do I continually have great value in His eyes?
  3. What can I do in the coming week to help another realize their value in God's kingdom?

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