Sunday, June 12, 2011

Acts 2:1-21

June 12, 2011           Acts 2:2-21

· The special effects of Christian’s first Pentecost were supernatural.
· Expressions of God’s presence and power can be a natural experience for Christians.
· The spiritual power of the Holy Spirit can be seen and heard.
· The expressions and evidence of God’s power is always a gift.
·The Holy Spirit brings the FX (special effects) of faith into our lives to help us tell about Jesus.

Create some devotional (time with God) time this week. Read Acts 2:2-21. Think about these questions. Discuss them with your family, in your small group, or with some friends.

1. What sounds and sights help you to know God’s presence?
2. How can open your ears and eyes to God?
3. Reviewing the past week, was there evidence of God that you didn’t notice?

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