Sunday, June 5, 2011

Acts 1:1-11

SERMON NOTES, June 5, 2011
Living the Jesus life diminishes distractions
so that we can focus on the here and now.
· “While he was going away and as they were staring toward heaven, suddenly two men in white robes stood next to them. They said, “Galileans, why are you standing here, looking into heaven  (Acts 1:10-11a, CEB)
· We cannot live our best when we are distracted.
· The unfinished business of our Easter living is to focus on the here and now.

Create some devotional (time with God) time this week. Read Acts 1:10-11a. Think about these questions. Discuss them with your family, in your small group, or with some friends.

1. Identify a distraction that is attracting your attention?
2. How do you effectively respond to distractions?
3. Is there an issue in your life that is distracting you from living faithfully? Ask a Christian friend for prayer, support, and encouragement.

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