Friday, June 21, 2013

Luke 7:36 - 8:3

Read  Luke 7:36 - 8:3

You have the ability to recognize your attitudes and actions ("sin") that separate you from God. In the space of that distancing God's love for you continues; yet, respecting your capacity to choose who and how you are ("free will"), the Holy Spirit refrains from shaping you into all that God created you to be.

When your recognition of your sin results in remorse and you truly desire to live into God's love ("repentance"), acknowledge that to God ("confession"). Be honest, humble.

Jesus offers you "forgiveness." This is the loving action of God that heals and restores you into the relationship that God desires for you.

Be cautious about putting all of your hope in the inherent goodness of your humanity, confident in your ability to consistently make the better choices that enhance your life and positively contribute to a greater good for other people. Our inherent goodness is partial, and is only completed by Christ.

[Art Credit:]

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