Friday, June 7, 2013

Luke 7:1-10

Read Luke 7:1-10

Synagogue in Capernaum
How is it that a centurion, who very presence in the community reminds the citizens that they live oppressed by the forced occupation of a foreign government, has more faith than Israel? 

The Jewish leaders had already witnessed this officer's expression of his respect for themselves and his indigenous neighbors, contributing to building their place of worship (the Synagogue, pictured above). I have walked through those ruins, thinking about the centurion who helped fund its construction, but whom would never cross the threshhold because his presence would defile that sacred space. I have imagined him standing at the doorway, looking in and wondering about God.

He showed a similar respect for Jesus. After asking for the Lord's help, he realizes that Jesus would defile himself even by stepping into Roman's home. Recognizing that the directed authority of Jesus' power would be sufficient, the centurion requests that Jesus simply commands the healing to happen.

His trust in Jesus is faithful confidence in who Jesus is and what Jesus does for those who ask.

For faith, life, and faithful living

  • Where in your life do you need to distinguish between what you can do and what Jesus can do?
  • Where do you need faithful confidence?

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