Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011

John 21:15-19

Dr. Schultz' sermon today is from John 21:15-19, and is "Jesus and Developing Faith"

SERMON NOTES, May 29, 2011
John 21:15-19
      Jesus' instructions help us, and our helping others, to grow in faith.

· “Feed my lambs… Take care of my sheep… Feed my sheep.”  (Jesus, to Peter)
· Faith grows a bit at a time.
· Do you starve a cold and feed a fever when you're feeling under the weather? Or is it the other way around? Good news -- starving is never the correct answer.*
· The unfinished business of our Easter living is to intentionally grow in our faith and to help others grow in their faith.



1. How are your feeding your faith?
2. Whose faith are you intentionally nourishing?
3. Identify at least one (1) thing that you can share with a young-in-faith Christian? With a more mature Christian?

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