Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

Exodus 4


  • How did God teach Moses?
  • How did Moses teach Pharaoh?
  • How is God teaching you?

1 comment:

  1. We remember Moses as a pillar of faith, the one to whom God entrusted the rules for life in the faith community (The Ten Commandments); yet, today's reading presents a reluctant Moses, a Moses trying his best to convince God that God should select someone else to do what God wants done.

    First, Moses expressess concern about what he doesn't have; then, he tries to avoid serving God because of the inadequacy of what he does have. Moses is so self-focused that he misses the reality that God is going to provide Moses what is needed to fulfill God's purpose. This story is a great example of the reality that God equips those whom God calls.

    It's a story that confronts me with my own reluctance in leading. It also brings into focus my reluctance to learn - and to live the learning - that my self-reliance alone isn't enough.

    For any of us to lead effectively - for all of us to life fully - we need to acknowledge our reluctance to learn, and grow on.

    If we are not learning from and about faith, life, and faithful living, then we have nothing to teach.
