Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A new candidate for ministry

If you don't already know her, then meet Marianne Brown.

She is a remarkable young woman with a deep love for Christ and the Church. A member of St. Philip's, she is also on our Staff Team serving as our Student Ministries Intern. 

Feeling the particular calling in her life to full-time ministry, she visited with me about what it means to be a Pastor in The United Methodist Church. She was then interviewed by our Staff-Parish Relations Committee who recommended her (unanimously) to the annual Charge Conference to be a Candidate for ordained ministry. (Theses are the first steps in a multi-year process of education and preparation.)

One of the highlights of this past Sunday's Charge Conference was their unanimous vote to affirm Marianne's call and begin her in the formal process toward becoming a United Methodist Pastor.

One of the signs of St. Philip's vitality is the intentional culture of being a church where persons can be attentive to God's calling in their lives, encouraging and affirming their 'gifts and graces' - their spiritual fruitfulness - for ministry. St. Philip's, you do that very well, indeed.

If you don't already know her, then meet Marianne Brown. 

If you're a United Methodist, then she'll be your Pastor one day. And you will be blessed by her ministry.

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