Sunday, October 23, 2011

Psalm 90

Psalm 90

Dr. Schultz' sermon today is, "Understanding Eternity." Here's the key for the Sermon Notes:

Eternity matters because we live eternally in the here and now. 

Zombies and Vampires are fictional; fun for Halloween. 

Accepting that we live in Eternity sharpens our focus on today, and frees us from self-imposed limitations

This week, I can live eternally by  
  1. ____________________________________________ 
  2. ____________________________________________ 
  3. ____________________________________________ 

Zombies and Vampires are fictional; fun for Halloween. 

Eternity matters because we live eternally in the here and now. 
Accepting that we live in Eternity sharpens our focus on today, and frees us from self-imposed limitations. 

This week, I can live eternally by  
  1. ____________________________________________ 
  2. ____________________________________________ 
  3. ____________________________________________ 

Sunday, October 23, 2011 

Zombies and Vampires are fictional; fun for Halloween. 

Eternity matters because we live eternally in the here and now. 
Accepting that we live in Eternity sharpens our focus on today, and frees us from self-imposed limitations. 

This week, I can live eternally by  
  1. ____________________________________________ 
  2. ____________________________________________ 
  3. ____________________________________________ 

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