Sunday, August 14, 2011

Habakkuk 1

Habakkuk 1

This past Monday, Dr. Schultz began an on-line Bible Study (on this site), "How to Live Your Faith When Life Isn't Fair." Today at St. Philip's, he starts a 3-week Sermon Series with the same focus.

Today's Sermon Notes:

  • It is both a hard-to-hear and easy-to receive reality: we are not in control.
  • "Fairness" is both objective and subjective.
  • "He knows if your've been bad or good, so be good for goodness' sake." (John Frederick Cook)
  • You life your faith because you choose to believe.

What are some ways that you can faithfully respond to:

  • Violence?
  • Injustice?
  • Wrongdoing?
  • Destruction?

1 comment:

  1. The sermon was great. I just noticed, when looking for something about today's sermon (a week later on Habakkuk2) that there were no comments. Let's right that injustice.
    Having "mothered" a minimum of 3 children over the past 32 years I've heard the words, "Life isn't fair." from them and their friends more times than I can count. It wasn't until this sermon series began that I started to see I may have been thinking the same thing at times.
    To me, faithful responses to any in the list above have to begin with prayer. I guess they should end that way too. I know, from my personal experience, that prayer in the midst of most bad situations can change courses and lives. So, I'm going with Prayer as the answer. :-)
