Sunday, June 19, 2011

Psalm 139

This morning, Dr. Schultz is preaching at each of our on-campus Worship Services. His sermon, "God is Wild About You" is from today's Bible Reading, Psalm 139.

To help your study of the Scriptures, here are today's

June 19, 2011           Psalm 139

  • God knows you better than you know  yourself
  • As someone whom God created, you are good.
  • God desires the very best for you.
  • God is always willing to lead you. All you have to do is follow.


1. When have you felt distanced from God?
2. Do you have some favorite places where you feel closest to God?
3. Whom do you know who needs a reminder of God’s great love for them in Jesus? How will you give him/her that reminder this week?

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