Thursday, April 21, 2011

Holy Thursday, April 21, 2011

John 13:1-17, 31-35

Questions for reflection, discussion, comment:

  • What servant roles/tasks are easy for you? difficult for you?
  • Have you experienced foot-washing in a Worship Service?* If yes, did it help you to connect with the biblical story on a deeper level? If it didn't, then what was in your way?
  • Who can you serve today? Who are you willing to serve today? Whom will you serve today?

*Maundy Thursday- A Service of Sacred Actions
Holy Communion, Sacred Footwashing and an Anointing with Oil
Tonight, 7pm in our Historic Chapel
This worship service recalls the final night our Lord shared with his followers in the Upper Room as he washed their feet, and later instituted the practice of Holy Communion.  This service also remembers the mystery of the moments before the Resurrection was discovered, when the women came to the Tomb with oil and discovered it was empty.  Music at this service will be the St. Philip’s Flutes, and music from the Taize Community.

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