Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Daily Bible Readings October 31, 2018

Psalm 34[a]

Of David, when he pretended to be crazy before Abimelech, who banished him so that he left.

34 I will bless the Lord at all times;
    his praise will always be in my mouth.
I[b] praise the Lord
    let the suffering listen and rejoice.
Magnify the Lord with me!
    Together let us lift his name up high!
I sought the Lord and he answered me.
    He delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to God will shine;
    their faces are never ashamed.
This suffering person cried out:
    the Lord listened and saved him from every trouble.
On every side, the Lord’s messenger protects those who honor God; and he delivers them.
Taste and see how good the Lord is!
    The one who takes refuge in him is truly happy!


  1. Psalm 34:1 Ps 34 is an alphabetic acrostic poem; see the note at Pss 9–10 or Ps 111.
  2. Psalm 34:2 Or my soul; also in 34:22
Common English Bible (CEB)
Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

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