Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Daily Bible Readings August 9, 2017

Psalm 17:1-7Common English Bible (CEB)

Psalm 17

A prayer of David.

17 Listen to what’s right, Lord;
    pay attention to my cry!
Listen closely to my prayer;
    it’s spoken by lips that don’t lie!
My justice comes from you;
    let your eyes see what is right!
You have examined my heart,
    testing me at night.
You’ve looked me over closely,
    but haven’t found anything wrong.
    My mouth doesn’t sin.
But these other people’s deeds?
    I have avoided such violent ways
    by the command from your lips.
My steps are set firmly on your paths;
    my feet haven’t slipped.
I cry out to you because you answer me.
    So tilt your ears toward me now—
    listen to what I’m saying!
Manifest your faithful love in amazing ways
    because you are the one
    who saves those who take refuge in you,
    saving them from their attackers
    by your strong hand.

Psalm 17:15Common English Bible (CEB)

15 But me? I will see your face in righteousness;
    when I awake, I will be filled full by seeing your image.
Common English Bible (CEB), used with permission

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