Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Daily Bible Readings June 9, 2015

1 Samuel 8:4-11Common English Bible (CEB)

So all the Israelite elders got together and went to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, “Listen. You are old now, and your sons don’t follow in your footsteps. So appoint us a king to judge us like all the other nations have.”It seemed very bad to Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us,” so he prayed to the Lord.
The Lord answered Samuel, “Comply with the people’s request—everything they ask of you—because they haven’t rejected you. No, they’ve rejected me as king over them. They are doing to you only what they’ve been doing to me[a] from the day I brought them out of Egypt to this very minute, abandoning me and worshipping other gods. So comply with their request, but give them a clear warning, telling them how the king will rule over them.”[b]
10 Then Samuel explained everything the Lord had said to the people who were asking for a king. 11 “This is how the king will rule over you,” Samuel said:
“He will take your sons, and will use them for his chariots and his cavalry and as runners for his chariot.


  1. 1 Samuel 8:8 LXX; MT lacks to me.
  2. 1 Samuel 8:9 Or telling them the lawful practice of the king; also in 8:11; cf 10:25.
Common English Bible (CEB), used with permission
Copyright © 2011 by Common English Bible

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