Thursday, November 13, 2014

1 Thessalonians 2: 9-13

1 Thessalonians 2:9-13Common English Bible (CEB)

You remember, brothers and sisters, our efforts and hard work. We preached God’s good news to you, while we worked night and day so we wouldn’t be a burden on any of you. 10 You and God are witnesses of how holy, just, and blameless we were toward you believers. 11 Likewise, you know how we treated each of you like a father treats his own children. 12 We appealed to you, encouraged you, and pleaded with you to live lives worthy of the God who is calling you into his own kingdom and glory.

How the Thessalonians received God’s message

13 We also thank God constantly for this: when you accepted God’s word that you heard from us, you welcomed it for what it truly is. Instead of accepting it as a human message, you accepted it as God’s message, and it continues to work in you who are believers.

Common English Bible (CEB), used with permission

1 comment:

  1. Appeal, encourage, and plead - with these ways we effectively communication about 'living lives worthy of the God who is calling us [sic] into his own kingdom and glory.'

    Appeal. We show and tell how loving behavior reflects what God is life.
    Encourage. We affirm that each believer is empowered by God's Holy Spirit.
    Plead. We invite from our hearts.
