Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Psalm 29

1 comment:

  1. The Lord’s voice breaks cedar trees—
    yes, the Lord shatters the cedars of Lebanon. (Psalm 29:5, CEB)

    St. Philip's campus - along with most of central Texas - is dusted in cedar pollen. It's that time of year, and we who suffer allergies are prone to "Cedar Fever." The seasonal malady makes you feel bad all over.

    So, with a head-full of cedar, I read Psalm 27 and chuckle. And, I have to remember that this psalm isn't about what makes our eyes itch and throat cough. It is about something far greater than us and our relatively minor, temporary discomforts.

    It is about the power of God.

    Even as the voice of God thunders through create, we can be so occupied with the on-going conversation within ourselves, or with the selected playlist through our ear buds that we stop listening to God.

    Sometimes, we rationalize all kinds of excuses to filter out what God is saying to us.

    What do you need to do differently today to hear - and to listen - to God?
