Thursday, February 9, 2012

Leviticus 25-27

Leviticus 25
The sabbatical year is a model for an extended rest. It is a time for stepping back and away from the intensity and familiarity of routine; a to refresh and renew.
No record exists that the Jubilee year was observed. Consider its positive possibilities if we kept it, or something similar to it.
Leviticus 26
Verse 5 comforts, even as it challenges our experience of living though this current drought in central Texas.
Curses? Jesus teachings reminds us that even as God loves us, there are consequences created from our actions and inactions. Pain and suffering are not caused by a loving God; however, they may be something that we have inadvertently produced ourselves.
Jesus is God’s gift to us of a new, final, and eternal covenant.
Leviticus 27
This chapter teaches us to respect and appreciate the essence of the value of all that we dedicate to God.  Verses 30-33 are examples of the command to tithe.
  • When do you take an extended (at least a few days) break from your usual life work?
  • How do you describe the joy that you feel in tithing?

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