Monday, October 3, 2011

Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20

Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20  

A classic movie interpretation:

1 comment:

  1. Anticipating the question, "Why not just read the whole chapter?": the selected verses are the "Ten Commandments." Focus on those, then read the whole chapter.

    Just as sport coaches want their team to know the basics of the game so that they can play consistently well, it is good for Christians to periodically review our faith essentials. This chapter of Exodus gives us the fundamentals of Torah - the Law that God gave to God's people Israel for faith, life, and faithful living.

    Here's are three (3) questions that will help you connect with this text. Think about each of the commandments, one at a time, asking yourself

    - how does it relate to my life? with the lives of persons who I know? with recent and current events in my community?

    - does it present me with something in my attitudes and action that is helping me to grow closer to Christ?

    - does it confront me with something in my attitudes and action that is distancing me from God?

    As I worked with these questions, I was surprised by how much time I spent with verses 3-4. I inventoried the things, issues, and concerns that distract and consume my attention. I have a clearer awareness of what stuff of life I inadvertently empower, allowing it to influence me. Knowing these 'gods' enables me to avoid them, and helps me to focus on Christ.
