Friday, September 30, 2011

2 Corinthians 9:12; 1 John 3

2 Corinthians 9:12; 1 John 3

We are in church-wide emphasis called  Extravagant Generosity: The Grace of Gifting that is part of our annual Financial Stewardship Campaign. 


  • How is your living showing the love of God in you?
  • How is your gifting showing the love of God in you?

1 comment:

  1. Today's readings confront me with the reminder that my life isn't about me, and that that reality of faith really is culturally counterintuitive at times.

    If I'm not careful, a sense of 'entitlement' sneaks into my belief system with the idea that I somehow, because of my faithfulness If nothing else, deserve to be loved by God, and 'ought' to have the temporal blessings that I enjoy. As much as I may *like* that, it isn't Christianity.

    Following Jesus repositions my ego with a Christ-centeredness and only there can I clearly see what it means that I am made in God's image. My loving isn't about what a nice, caring guy that I am and want to be. Nor does my gifting show that I am generous simply because I *choose* to be from what is *mine*.

    Living and gifting are the visible, temporal, transformation expressions of Christ's present-effecting, legacy-leaving identity. I am simply awed that God chooses to be present through me and you who believe.
