Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Luke 24:35-49 Jesus opens our mind to understanding. 

Dr. Schultz will preach from this text today. The highlighted text below are the keys for the Sermon Notes. The sermon is, "Jesus and Discovery" and is the 4th in the series, Living Easter is Unfinished Business.

  • "Then Jesus opened their minds to understand the scriptures." (Luke 24:45, CEB)
  • Discovery begins in what we already know.
  • Discovery connects our experience with God's gift in Jesus.
  • Jesus' unfinished business includes our discovery for our faith, lives, and faithful living.

  1. What are three (3) of your favorite historical discoveries?
  2. In what small group (e.g., Sunday School class, Ministry Team, etc.) are your learning to understand the Scriptures?
  3. What legacy of spiritual discovery are you living to give to your family and friends?

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