Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

John 13:21-32

Questions for reflection, discussion, comment:

  1. Have you ever been, or felt that you've been betrayed? If yes, then have you forgiven the person?
  2. Have you ever betrayed someone? If yes, have you made an effort to reconcile?
  3. Jesus loved and trusted Judas - even knowing that Judas would betray him. What does that tell you about Jesus?


  1. I have always wondered about the Bible's references to the "Disciple whom Jesus loved". Why not mention the disciple by name?

    Love the format here!

  2. Great question. The theories about why John didn't 'name' the disciple vary. I think that it was because he assumed that the first faith community receiving his gospel would know who it was; he didn't want to suggest any attention toward himself; and, that his primary purpose was to focus on Jesus.

    We're glad you like our new format. Thanks for reading and joining in the conversation.

  3. I have a hard time understanding what happened with Judas. If "Satan entered into him" is it his fault? Is the answer yes because he made choices that allowed it to happen? However, Jesus always knew Judas would betray him, so it still seems like he had little choice. Perhaps my struggle to understand is more of free will versus God foreknowing everything.
